Are you proud of your ability to earn cash online?

It does not matter how much or how little you earn online, the fact is that you are better than millions of other internet users who do not earn a single cent online.

Many people surf the internet and waste a lot of precious time.

They play games. They join forums that do not pay a single cent. They search for information or just read blogs.

Some of them have Facebook account, Twitter account and other accounts in social networking websites.

The idea of using Internet to earn cash online never crosses their minds.

They know that everyone is talking about it. They see the advertisements about ways to make money online.

However, they are either too lazy or too skeptical about the concept of earning cash online.

That is why you should feel proud of your ability to earn cash online.

Even if you are spending all your time doing surveys or clicking advertisements in those PTC websites, you are making better use of your time.

The amount of money may not allow you to quit your full time job. The amount of money is not enough to pay off your mortgage or car loan.

However, any sum of money is better than no money at all.

As long as you know that making money online is possible, you will explore ways to make more cash online.

The best part about Internet is that it allows us to earn passive income.

When you finish an article and post online, you switch off the computer and go to bed. What happens during the time when you are sleeping?

The article gathers page views, since readers from other parts of the world are reading it. They will click on the advertisements display by Google Adsense. They may buy the products and services you have recommended. They may click through your affiliate links.

Your article has the potential to make a few cents or a few dollars while you are resting.

Imagine your joy when you see a commission of $20 from a single article.

Imagine the joy of seeing three clicks from a single article that make more than a dollar for you. You will feel so proud of your ability to earn cash online.

The accumulative effect of published article allows you to earn more money as you write more and more articles.

When you first started to earn cash online, you probably make just a dollar per month. However, the amount soon increases to ten dollars per month. As you continue in your writing and promotion effort, you will reach the mark of a hundred dollars per month.

That is the time when you start to think seriously about getting rich through online earning.

You know that it is possible to use internet to earn cash. You have experienced it. You encourage your friends to try.

The sad fact is that most of them will not even try. Some of them will try and then stop after a while.

They do not have the patience to wait for the passive income to grow.